Saturday 5 January 2013

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 5

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 5

All are true about the trigone of the urinary bladder except ______

A) Mucosa is loosely attached to the underlying musculature
B) Mucosa is smooth
C) It is lined by transitional epithelium
D) It is derived from the absorbed part of the mesonephric duct 


Friday 4 January 2013

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 6

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 6

Movement of pronation & supination occur in all of the following joints except ?
A) Middle radio-ulnar joint
B) Superior radio-ulnar joint
C) Inferior radio-ulnar joint
D) Radio carpal joint


Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 4

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 4

In Caudal block for infant __________ is Contraindicated ?
A) remifentanil
B) sufentanil
C) morphine
D) butorphanol


Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 3

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 3

child undergoing surgical procedure, (on ventilator) anaesthetized with atracurium and propofol, wakes up with body pain 12 hours later .Likely Cause of body pain ?
A) adverse effect of propofol
B) accumulation of Laudanosine

Ans .B

Thursday 3 January 2013

Medical Pg Entrance MCQ Bank Q 2

Medical Pg Entrance MCQ Bank Q 2

Centrineuraxial (spinal or epidural) anaesthesia is contraindicated in all except

A) Platelets < 80,000
B) Patient on aspirin
C) Patient on oral anticoagulants
D) Patient on I.V. Heparin

Ans. B

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 1

Medical PG Entrance MCQ Bank Q 1

1.Disease constantly present at a high incidence or prevalence rate and affects all age groups equally

a .hyperendemic
b .holoendemic
c. epidemic
d. pandemic
